SAP system can't be started from SAP MMC.
From work process trace, we see "No such file or directory" error, and it failed to initialize SHM.
M *** ERROR => SecAudit(check_daily_file): cannot open Audit file. No such file or directory [rsauwr1.c 1153]
M ***LOG AV4=> \\[hostname]\<path>\[SID]\DVEBMGS01\log\20240325.AUD& [rsauwr1.c 1154]
M SsfSapSecin: automatic application server initialization for SAPSECULIB
N SsfSapSecin: Looking for PSE in database
N SsfSapSecin: Could not create directory \\[hostname]\<path>\[SID]\DVEBMGS01\sec: No such file or directory!
N *** ERROR => SsfSapSecin: Could not create ticket for SAPCRYPTOLIB! [ssfxxpse.c 1343]
N SsfPseLoad: started...(path=\\[hostname]\<path>\[SID]\DVEBMGS01\sec, AS=[hostname], instanceid=01)
N SsfPseLoad: Downloading file \\[hostname]\<path>\[SID]\DVEBMGS01\sec\SAPSYS.pse (client: , key: SYSPSE, len: 2763)
N SsfPseLoadFile: Couldn't open file \\[hostname]\<path>\[SID]\DVEBMGS01\sec\SAPSYS.pse: No such file or directory
N SsfPseLoad: Downloading file \\[hostname]\<path>\[SID]\DVEBMGS01\sec\SAP_AGS_OLCNT_VERIFY.pse (client: , key: 161604, len: 3276)
N SsfPseLoadFile: Couldn't open file \\[hostname]\<path>\[SID]\DVEBMGS01\sec\SAP_AGS_OLCNT_VERIFY.pse: No such file or directory
N SsfPseLoad: ended (0 of 2 sucessfully loaded, 2 checked...
N MskiCreateLogonTicketCache: Logon Ticket cache created in shared memory.
N MskiCreateLogonTicketCache: Logon Ticket cache pointer registered in shared memory.
N SignInitOnce: Security Session Management cannot be used (ABAP parts are missing, note 1477428)
M *** ERROR => TrIInitFileindex: opendir failed: errno=2 (No such file or directory) [trfile.c 8847]
M *** ERROR => TrIInitShm: TrIInitFileindex failed: rc=8 (open Error), multiple files not supported [trfile.c 8767]
M *** ERROR => TrICreateShm: failed to initialize SHM [trfile.c 8718]
M *** ERROR => TrInit: failed to create SHM [trfile.c 681]
I MPI: dynamic quotas disabled.
I MPI init: pipes=4000 buffers=1279 reserved=383 quota=10%
The work process can't be started due to this issue.
As a result, SAP system can't be started.
System start; start system; fail; SAP MMC; No such file or directory; DIR_INSTANCE; Could not create directory; TrIInitFileindex; opendir failed. , KBA , BC-CST-STS , Startup Service , Problem
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