SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3453924 - Field VAT Resitration No. is not populated in fiori app Create Supplier Invoice


The field VAT Registration No. is not populated in fiori app Create Supplier Invoice although it is maintained in supplier master data.



Reproducing the Issue

  1. Maintain VAT registration number in supplier BP master data -> tab Identification -> Tax Numbers.
  2. Create supplier invoice using app Create Supplier Invoice.
  3. Fill mandatory fields Company Code, Posting Date, Reference and Invoicing Party.
  4. Click the "Show More" button to find the Details section.
  5. Field VAT Registration No. is not automatically filled from supplier master data.


It is SAP Standard functionality that the VAT Registration number will not automatically appear in the app Create Supplier Invoice from the BP master data without entering the Reporting Country field first. 


Please enter the field Reporting Ctry/Reg first. It is available when you click "Show More" and just above the VAT Registration No. field.

Please note that the reporting country field can be used only for those countries that are located in the EU.

See Also

3040973 - How to display Reporting country in MIRO


VAT registration No., VAT registration number, Create Supplier Invoice, Reporting Ctry, Reporting Country, BP master data, supplier master data, tax number , KBA , MM-FIO-IV , Fiori UI for Invoice Verification , Problem


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition all versions