- Enable parallel_dist.
- Primary database has "trunc log on chkpt" enable or "a dump tran/database" was running while a large transaction is in progress.
- The distributor went down with the following messages:
ERROR #9027 WORKER( ) - ic/exec/distparser.c(175)
A begin with transaction id = '0000001fb31afc190002' ase.db '000000ab00000000' and local_qid = 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001818c0400140000 was seen from site ase.db while a transaction was still active.
(15): delivery_seq:(ase.db) exit due to error while processing transaction ' '0000001fb31afc190002'db '000000ab00000000'', DIST is to be shutdown.
DIST for 'ase.db' is waiting for SQM(s) to flush to outbound queue(s) - The DIST may also crashed with the following stacks:
***************STACK TRACE***************
*****thread WORKER( )*******
16.0.pl14/REP-16_0/bin/repserver.diag(linux_dump_all_func_stack+0x32) [0xbd0d14]
16.0.pl14/REP-16_0/bin/repserver.diag(dbg_dump_stack_noarg+0x25) [0xc16b57]
16.0.pl14/REP-16_0/bin/repserver.diag(dbg_dump_stack+0x3c5) [0xc16485]
16.0.pl14/REP-16_0/bin/repserver.diag(exc__appDumpStack+0x1f6) [0x880806]
16.0.pl14/REP-16_0/bin/repserver.diag(exc_terminate+0x47d) [0x8899ad]
16.0.pl14/REP-16_0/bin/repserver.diag(exc_reraise_exception+0x2ad) [0x8869e7]
16.0.pl14/REP-16_0/bin/repserver.diag(exc_raise_exception+0x9ff) [0x887f0d]
16.0.pl14/REP-16_0/bin/repserver.diag(sqt_MarkRead+0xa5) [0x5123d1]
16.0.pl14/REP-16_0/bin/repserver.diag(delivery_provision+0x537f) [0xc3d28d]
16.0.pl14/REP-16_0/bin/repserver.diag(RSTaskExec+0x1cb) [0xb06793]
16.0.pl14/REP-16_0/bin/repserver.diag(srv__start_function+0x322) [0xda7f15]
/lib64/ [0x7ffff74e41ca]
/lib64/ [0x7ffff5ac3e73]
*****End of stack trace.****
Internal error. Attempting to produce a core file.
Thread WORKER( ) infected with signal 6.
Internal error. Attempting to produce a core file.
SAP Replication Server (SRS) 16.0
SAP Replication Server 16.0
CR 819375 , KBA , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , Known Error
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