SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3454353 - API Warehouse Task Confirmation with error "Log on to Resource First" - SAP S/4HANA Cloud


When trying to confirm Warehouse Task with the OData V4 API Warehouse Order and Task, you receive the following error message:

"Log on to resource first" - /SCWM/ODATA_API/006 




You must assign a warehouse order to the resource that they're currently logged on to before they can confirm any product warehouse tasks belonging to the warehouse order.


You should first log on to a resource by using the API. and then confirm the warehouse task. To do that, check the steps below:

  1. Log on resource: To log a user to a resource, you use the http method POST to call the LogonToWarehouseResource function import and update the status of the WarehouseResource entity. For further information, check: SAP Help Portal - Log On to Resource
  2. Assign Warehouse Order: To assign a warehouse order to a warehouse resource, you use the http method POST to call the AssignWarehouseOrder function import. Once the warehouse order is assigned to the warehouse resource, no other warehouse resource can change the warehouse order. For further information, check: SAP Help Portal -Assign Warehouse Order
  3. Confirm Warehouse Task: To confirm a product warehouse task or a handling unit warehouse task that hasn’t had any changes made to it, you use the http method POST to call the ConfirmWarehouseTaskExact function import. For further information, check: SAP Help Portal -Confirm Product or Handling Unit Warehouse Tasks Without Changes


SAP S/4HANA cloud, EWM, resource, API, Warehouse Order and Task, A2X, /SCWM/ODATA_API/ 006, /SCWM/ODATA_API/006, log on, assign, confirm. WT, warehouse task, WO, warehouse order.  , KBA , SCM-EWM-API-2CL , Remote APIs (Public Cloud) , SCM-EWM-WOP-2CL , Warehouse Order Processing (Public Cloud) , Problem


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition all versions ; SAP S/4HANA Cloud all versions