You are uploading a bank statement file, for example in format SWIFT MT940.
An error shows as "ID 1 / Item XYZ not valid; amount has invalid number of decimals".
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Liquidity Management work center.
- Go to Bank Statements view.
- Click New > Bank Statement Upload.
- Enter required data for Company, Bank ID and Import Format.
- Click Add > File and select the respective file.
The error shows as:
"ID 1 / Item XYZ not valid; amount has invalid number of decimals"
(XYZ representing an affected bank statement transaction)
This error most likely will occur in bank statement files based on a pertinent MT940 format, for example MT940 UK.
The number of amount decimals in MT940 is usually is defined as 2 following SWIFT format specifications.
In case the characters following the amount are numeric, these are parsed and interpreted as additional digits, provoking the error.
For example:
In MT940 UK The amount follows the date and C/D sign. The amount has 2 decimals and is followed by a 3 digits (letters) representing the External Transaction Code. This is followed by transaction references.
In case numeric content following the amount (2 decimals) is passed this will be interpreted as additional decimals contravening applicable specifications for MT940.
For example:
A transaction line showing as:
- will be met with an error: "ID 1 / Item XYZ not valid; amount has invalid number of decimals"
Only upload files adhering to pertinent SWIFT specifications for bank statements.
For example:
KBA , SRD-FIN-CLM , Cash and Liquity Managment , Problem