You are doing ABAP system upgrade via SUM.
An error occurred in phase "PREP_EXTENSION/UNINSTALL_PACKAGES_CHECK". In phase log file "UNINSTPACKCHK.LOG", there is following error.
Error during check/update of uninstallation packages. Return Code = -99, Reason
= "The deletion of objects of other software components is not allowed", check
log file 'SPDA_UNINSTPACKCHK.LOG' for details.
In log file "SPDA_UNINSTPACKCHK.LOG", there is following error.
A2EETN_PROCESS 061 The deletion of objects of other software components is not allowed
A3EETN_PROCESS 070 The following objects belong also to a foreign software component:
3EETN339 "R3TR" "SUSH" "818E9CDE585822F9329FDC964F0D0BHT" " "
2EETN312 Abort the import due to an error situation ("09.04.2024", "08:48:32")
A2EETN_PROCESS 061 The deletion of objects of other software components is not allowed
Note: affected objects list may be varied in different release system. The full list of objects can be viewed in the attached txt file in Note 2447674.
NetWeaver ABAP system.
IW_FNDGC, /IWFND/MED_CATALOG, 818E9CDE585822F9329FDC964F0D0BHT, The deletion of objects of other software components is not allowed, The following objects belong also to a foreign software component, PREP_EXTENSION/UNINSTALL_PACKAGES_CHECK , KBA , BC-UPG-OCS , Online Corr. Support (Tools:Supp.-Pack., Addon Install/Upgr) , OPU-GW-COR , Framework , Problem
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