Accessing the IBP system from the ERP side or initiating a Real-time integration Reconciliation or Real-time integration outbound transfer from IBP causes a connection error.
The full message is visible in the customer side cloud connector logs, available under 'Log And Trace Files' section in particular ljs_trace.log:
- #Invalid status of handshake response: DefaultHttpResponse(decodeResult: success, version: HTTP/1.1)
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
connection: close
A connection test from ECC to IBP could via SM59 transaction result shows an error message
SAP internal testing from the IBP sconnagent_support transaction logs shows:
- vert.x-eventloop-thread-18 ERROR DefaultAsyncRestClient:155 - Request to URL: https://connectivitynotificationrestcert.<LANDSCAPE_HOST>/notification/v1/opentunnel failed. Request executor: connectivity-proxy-5-2.
io.netty.resolver.dns.DnsResolveContext$SearchDomainUnknownHostException: Failed to resolve 'connectivitynotificationrestcert.<LANDSCAPE_HOST>' [A(1)] and search domain query for configured domains failed as well: [<hostnames>]
at io.netty.resolver.dns.DnsResolveContext.finishResolve( []
at io.netty.resolver.dns.DnsResolveContext.tryToFinishResolve( []
at io.netty.resolver.dns.DnsResolveContext.query( []
- SAP Integrated Business Planning for Supply Chain
IBP, RTI, communication error, error, unauthorized, Connection error, 401 Unauthorized, Error when opening an RFC connection (There is no SAP Cloud Connector (SCC) connected to your subacc, Error when opening an RFC connection, There is no SAP Cloud Connector , KBA , SCM-IBP-INT-RTI , Real Time Integration , Problem
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