When a LMS admin user tries to enroll a user(s) to a current or past class which is active, can be not virtual and with no cost associated, they receive the following error:
User [*USERID*] could not be registered in the VLS event. Please note the error code and contact your VLS administrator.
VLS Error Code: Bad Request Only available for paid users: rPpRnsGvSv2Zcb7c698vCg. : Bad Request Only available for paid users: rPpRnsGvSv2Zcb7c698vCg.
SAP SuccessFactors Learning
This error is being generated by the VLS Host
The error is generating from the VLS Host as is blocking features reserved for paid users. Hence the reference to "Only available for paid users”. It would be necessary to check with the host on the subscription plan via their support team, as the error is generated from here.
If the class is not virtual, then it's a good assumption therefore that the VLS account linked to the Instructor could be causing the issue. As we know the error is coming from the VLS Host indicating the account being used is a free one and not a paid for/subscription account, you would need to update the Instructor record and remove their VLS details and then try again.
Only available for paid users, Zoom, VLS, Bad Request Only available for paid users, , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-SCH , Class - Scheduled Offerings , LOD-SF-LMS-INS , Instructors and My Classes , Problem