You notice a HANA database service interruption; within the indexserver service database trace you notice one of the following exception messages or similar:
- [93705]{-1}[594/37878605354] 2024-04-09 14:47:16.591818 e NonVolatileMemor NVMFileAccess.cpp(00299) : NVM:---------Could not create '/mnt/pmem0/PBH/mnt00003/hdb00002/NVM-Root/PM-VolumeID2/data1/296293-000000fe0004293f-0002b1a8-00000007-00000001_1503963.fileblockT', error code: 28 (No space left on device)
- [93705]{-1}[594/37878605354] 2024-04-09 14:47:16.592293 e delta_merge SaveMergedAttributeJob.cpp(00102) : Caught exception in save merged column job: table = BW1::SAPBW1:RSPMADMIN (t 61105), column id = 7, column name = $rowid$, rc = 2201, exception = exception 1: no.2030111 (Basis/MemoryManager/impl/NVMProvider.cpp:5594) TID: 93705
System is running low on persistent memory, failed to allocate 98B - [17418]{-1}[594/37878605354] 2024-04-09 14:47:16.592503 e delta_merge CsTableMerge.cpp(08231) : do rollbackDeltaMerge merge for idx BW1::SAPBW1:RSPMADMIN (t 61105)
[17418]{-1}[594/37878605354] 2024-04-09 14:47:16.594918 e Mergedog Mergedog.cpp(01336) : Automerge failed: {IndexName: SAPBW1:RSPMADMIN, Trigger: 6, Critical: 0, ReclaimDelta: false, DeltaMerge: true, OptimizeCompression: false, MainSize: 63205}, error: Not enough persistent memory available.; table = BW1::SAPBW1:RSPMADMIN (t 61105), exception = exception 2030111: System is running low on persistent memory, failed to allocate 98B(2201)
SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0
SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0
NonVolatileMemory, Non-volatile , KBA , HAN-DB-PER , SAP HANA Database Persistence , Problem
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