1. Odata request in http trace response shows:
Failed to load response data: Request content was evicted from inspector cache
2. But payload trace of /n/IWFND/traces shows correct response.
3. Check further ICM trace (with trace level 2) shows:
[Thr 139707291424512] HTTP request (raw) [93/10342498/1]:
[Thr 139707291424512] POST /sap/opu/odata/sap/XXXXXXXXX/XXXXXXXXX/ HTTP/1.1
[Thr 139707291424512] x-forwarded-proto: https
[Thr 139707291424512] x-forwarded-port: 443
[Thr 139707291424512] content-length: 0
[Thr 139707291424512] sec-ch-ua: "Chromium";v="122", "Not(A:Brand";v="24", "Microsoft Edge";v="122"
is getting an HTTP 201 response,
[Thr 139707291424512] HTTP response (raw) [93/10342498/1]:
[Thr 139707291424512] HTTP/1.1 201 Created
[Thr 139707291424512] content-type: application/atom+xml;type=entry; charset=utf-8
[Thr 139707291424512] content-length: 507
[Thr 139707291424512] dataserviceversion: 2.0
[Thr 139707291424512] sap-processing-info: ODataBEP=,crp=,RAL=,st=,MedCacheHub=SHM,codeployed=X,softstate=
[Thr 139707291424512] sap-server: true
[Thr 139707291424512] sap-icm-log-dtrace: v=0,i=,r=2835A2A3150C4BADBCFC6DF6F131AAAF,c=65FCC4E148F66263E10000000AC202FF,s=1
[Thr 139707291424512] sap-icm-log-mandt: 100
[Thr 139707291424512] content-encoding: br
SAP Gateway
Request content was evicted from inspector cache, HTTP/1.1 201 Created, FAP_CREATE_SINGLE_PAYMENT, AttachmentSet , KBA , OPU-GW-COR , Framework , BC-CST-WDP , Web Dispatcher , Problem
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