You are using "ExitForGettingWorkflowRecipients" BADI for Custom Recipient Determination and you realize that the BADI is sending two notifications (e.g. the recipient has been receiving two e-mails).
- SAP Cloud for Customer
- SAP Cloud Applications Studio
Reproducing the Issue
- Navigate to SAP Cloud Applications Studio.
- Create an Enhancement Implementation for "ExitForGettingWorkflowRecipients" BADI.
- Maintain either "AgentUUID.Add" and "AgentEmail.Add" variables in "DETERMINE_CUST_RECIP.absl".
- Save, Activate and Deploy.
- Log in to the Tenant Frontend.
- Trigger the Enhancement Implementation.
- You can see two notifications (e.g. two e-mails) being sent to the Recipient.
The issue happens because you're filling the details for the same recipient twice in your "DETERMINE_CUST_RECIP.absl" logic. You are adding both "AgentUUID.Add " and "AgentEmail.Add" variables. Therefore, the system sends two notifications to the recipient. Just filling either the AgentUUID or the AgentEmail is enough. It is not required to fill both.
Please ensure to fill exclusively the AgentUUID or the AgentEmail in your "DETERMINE_CUST_RECIP.absl" logic only. Then, those recipients will receive just one notification. By filling both "AgentUUID.Add " and "AgentEmail.Add" variables, you'll receive two notifications instead.
See Also
Enhancement Implementations Quick Guide
Use Custom Logic to Determine Recipients for Workflow E-mails
ExitForGettingWorkflowRecipients, BADI, Custom Recipient Determination, e-mail, two, twice , KBA , LOD-CRM-WKF , Workflow , AP-RC-BDS-AE , ByDesign Studio Application Exits , How To