You want to know details about Data Privacy Policy for Outlook (Groupware) Server Side Integration.
- SAP Service Cloud v2
- SAP Sales Cloud v2
We consider your privacy very seriously. As such, we adhere to the following basic principles to protect your privacy:
- We never share your personal information with third parties.
- SAP Sales and Service Cloud Server-Side Integration never permanently stores any of your SAP Sales Cloud or Exchange/Office 365/Google data (contacts, e-mails, and so on). That data is only passed through the cloud app, temporarily kept in memory, and never written to any persistent storage.
- What is stored: identifiers and last modified dates for the records synchronized. Also, we temporarily keep names of records for which synchronization service experienced issues solely to display that to you as error messages.
- Any personally identifiable information which gets transferred through our servers is secured with industry standard protocols and technologies.
See Also
Groupware, Privacy, Protection, Security, Outlook, Integration , KBA , CEC-CRM-GW , Groupware for SAP Sales/Service Cloud , How To
SAP Sales Cloud and SAP Service Cloud Version 2 1.0