Pre-analysis Cloud Connector related issues when creating connection in Datasphere
SAP Datasphere
- Is Subaccount identical to the Subaccount used in SCC ?
In SAP Datasphere side: System -> Administration -> Data Source Configuration -> SAP BTP Core Account
In SAP Cloud Connector side, check Subaccount.
They should be same.
- Is Location ID identical to the Location ID in SCC?
Check Location ID in SCC:
In Datasphere, Connection -> Edit connection -> Cloud Connector part. They should be same.
If you cannot find the Location ID in dropdown menu, please add the Location ID in System -> Administration -> Data Source Configuration
PS: If there are more than 1 Cloud Connector involved, then you need to set the Location ID.
- Are outbound IPs of DS allowlisted in your network?
Datasphere -> System -> About -> More. Check "Outbound IP Address" and "HANA IP Address". These IP addresses need to be allowlisted in your network (server where SCC installed).
Is SCC IP allowlisted in Datasphere?
This IP address needs to be added in Datasphere Allowlist. (System -> Configuration -> IP Allowlist -> Trusted Cloud Connector IPs)
- Are mappings in SCC correct?
Check mapping in SCC.
- Is protocol correct?
- Are required resources added?
- Is protocol correct?
- Are virtual host and port identical to ones in SCC?
In SCC side, for example, it connects ABAP system with RFC protocol and using connection type "Without load balancing (application server and instance number)".
In Datasphere side, it needs to be identical to ones in SCC.
Further information, please refer below KBA.
- KBA 3369433 - How to troubleshoot Cloud Connector related issues when creating connection in Datasphere
KBA , DS-DI-CON , Connections , Bug Filed