The following exception occurs in Analysis Office when refreshing a workbook or running a query:
|FATAL |AoPlugin |CoMessenger.WriteToLog |VSTA_Main | The data object could not be created: The type does not exist. #
|FATAL |AoPlugin |CoMessenger.WriteToLog |VSTA_Main | An exception with the type CX_SY_CREATE_DATA_ERROR was raised, but was not handled locally or declared in a RAISING clause. #
|FATAL |AoPlugin |CoMessenger.WriteToLog |VSTA_Main | Program error in class SAPMSSY1 method : UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION #
|FATAL |AoPlugin |CoMessenger.WriteToLog |VSTA_Main |
Application Exception ([70c6-5c94-0f] / ID-103042):
Nested exception. See inner exception below for more details[msg.NestedException]
at iInnerException, Object iExTag)
>>>>>> Bali Exception:
Termination message sent ABEND RS_EXCEPTION (000): The data object could not be created: The type does not exist. MSGV1: The data object could not be created: The type MSGV2: does not exist.<init>(BIBaseRuntimeException:77)<init>(AbortMessageRuntimeException:30)
n Source)
cli.Com.Sap.Cof.Core.CustomUI.Ribbon.Controls.RibbonButtonControl.FireActionEvent(Unknown Source)
cli.Com.Sap.Cof.Core.CustomUI.Ribbon.CofRibbon.OnButtonAction(Unknown Source)
FATAL |AoPlugin |CoMessenger.WriteToLog |VSTA_Main | 111006 An exception occurred in one of the data sources.
SAP BI Add-in has disconnected all data sources.
If you want to restart, press the Restart button below.[msl.excp.restart] #
SAP Analysis for Microsoft Office 2.8
Bali Exception, BIBaseRuntimeException, AO, Analysis for Excel, Analysis for Office, A4O, AFO , KBA , BI-RA-AO-XLA , Excel Addin , Problem
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