You have successfully installed the SAP notes relating to the final tax settlement present in KBA 3453257 - Relevant notes for generation of form F1357 for fiscal year 2023 and you are having issues related to the HARCIMPF or the F1357 programs for tax calculation in the context of the final tax calculation, such as:
- How did the tax calculation work during each period of the year?
- How does each field of the HARCIMPF program get its value? And what does each one of them represent?
- How can I declare the results generated in F1357?
- Frequently asked questions and cases to be aware of
- Q. Where can I find the HARCIMPF results?
- Q. What is the new /4NF wage type used for? Why is it in my cluster and why can't i find it in the T512W table?
- Q. Why does the F1357 report doesn't show the correct amount of tax that was made in the year?
- Q. Why does the second execution of HARCIMPF overwrites the values in HARCLSTRA2, making the results from the first execution disappear?
- Q. Why isn’t the MANI concept applied over the tax calculations of the year?
- Q. Why doesn't the HARCIMPF program return back tax to the employee when other employers data is declared in IT0391 but the "Total Retenido" field gets larger?
- Q. Why does the “Total retenido” field in HARCIMPF return a different value than expected?
- Q. Should the concepts declared in IT390 and IT0391 in 2024 for 2023 be considered for the fields in HARCIMPF? Why is the /41D wage type being recalculated after the execution of the HARCIMPF program?
- Q. How are these changes related to Employees Paid in Month Due?
Human Capital Management (HCM)
SAP ERP Core Component
SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP
SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA
PC00_M29_F649, PC00_M29_CIMPF, PC00_M29_CLSTRA2, HARCLSTRA2, F1357, F649, HARCIMPF, FINAL TAX CALCULATION, OTHER EMPLOYER, final, final tax, Total Retenido, Impuesto Anual, Retencion, Devolucion, 4rta Categoria, impuesto, tax, /41D, /42D, rango 1, rango 2, rango 3, /410, /414, /416, /418, /417, /4M0, /4M4, /4M6, /4M8, /4M7. , KBA , PY-AR , Argentina , How To
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