When executing consignment settlement, tax code from purchasing info record is not taking into the supplier invoice.
Reproducing the Issue
- Consignment info record (App Create Purchasing Info Record). For example, tax code ZZ.
- Consignment PO- Create Purchase Order with Item category K (App Create Purchase Order - Advanced).
- Goods receipt against consignment PO (App Post Goods Receipt for Purchasing Document – movement type -101K).
- Transfer posting consignment to own stock (App Transfer Stock - In-Plant – Movement type 411 K, for example tax code YY).
- Consignment Settlement (App Create Logistics Consignment and Pipeline Settlement) - tax code updating YY (As in 411 K material document tax code is YY).
This is standard system behavior.
When running APP "Create Logistics Consignment and Pipeline Settlement", the system looks firstly at the tax code in the internal backend table RKWA, which is filled when you take materials out of the consignment stock. Only if the system does not find a tax code in this table, it looks for a tax code in the purchasing info record.
The tax code in table RKWA is obtained through the settings in App Set Tax Rates - Purchasing.
So, tax code is determined via the tax determination in pricing which has a higher priority than the tax code from the purchasing info record.
Create Logistics Consignment and Pipeline Settlement, MRKON, RKWA, Tax Code, Purchasing info record, ME11, ME21N, MIGO, Set Tax Rates - Purchasing, MEK2, MEK3
, KBA , MM-FIO-IV , Fiori UI for Invoice Verification , Problem