The process of connecting the S/4 HANA system to SAP Field Service Management may not be entirely clear. To address this, it would be helpful to provide an overview of the various options available for connecting these two systems. This SAP Note aims to describe the different technologies that can be used to integrate S/4 HANA with FSM, thereby offering a comprehensive understanding of the available connectivity options.
- SAP Field Service Management
- S/4 HANA
SAP FSM, Field Service Management, S/4 HANA, Integration, CPI, Proaxia , KBA , CEC-SRV-FSM-ERP , FSM Connector for SAP ERP , CRM-S4-INT-FSM , S4CRM: Service Integration with Field Service Mgmt , CEC-SRV-FSM-S4H , Integration of S/4HANA to FSM , How To
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