How to activate budget check for Shopping Cart Request?
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Home work center.
- Go to Self services view.
- Under Shopping option, choose Go shopping to create a shopping cart request with all the relevant details.
Budget check is available only for Purchase Order creation or manual Supplier Invoice creation without reference.
Availability of budget is checked at Purchase Order creation or manual Supplier Invoice creation without reference. System checks the available budget at the time of Purchase Order release, approval, or change after release. Similar checks are in place for the Supplier Invoice without a reference to a Purchase Order. It checks the anticipated to be spent amount on the Purchase Order against the respective available budgets. If the amount in the purchase order (item) exceeds the available budget, the purchase order can't be released.
While, Budget check cannot be performed while creating a Shopping Cart request.
Activating the scoping question, "Active Budget Control" function will not help to do the budget check for shopping cart, as this functionality is not available.
See Also
Active Budget Control | SAP Help Portal
Active Budget Control in Supplier Relationship Management | SAP Help Portal
Budget check for Shopping cart, activate budget check , shopping cart , KBA , SRD-SRM-PRO , Purchase Requests and Orders , How To