The HANA backup fails with an error message which is the following (the information can be seen in the backint log):
"Could not get the command line application id for the HANA Database=[...] for the client=[...].
#SOFTWAREID "backint 1.05" "Commvault Backint 11.0"
backintDelete has not been set up - Not pruning the Archive File records associated with the Backup id=[...] and Pipe=[...]
#DELETED ... "..."
backintDelete has not been set up - Not pruning the Archive File records associated with the Backup id=[...] and Pipe=[...]
#DELETED ... "..."
exception 1: no.110507
Backint exited with exit code 2 instead of 0. console output: No additional Information was received"
Commvault Backint 11.0
SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0
Commvault, backint, error, not pruning the Archive File, exit code 2, backup , KBA , HAN-DB-BAC , SAP HANA Backup & Recovery , Problem
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