The initial situation is a device with (at least) two registers which is installed in (at least) two different installations that are billed at different times.
The two installations represent different views of the device: in the first installation (typically consumption), one register is set as relevant for billing (EASTS-ZWNABR = SPACE), while in the other installation (typically feeding) the other register is relevant for billing.
Following issue may occur:
• Since only the device as a whole can be prepared, both registers must always be read simultaneously, even if only the feed-in reading has been communicated; if the other register is estimated, discrepancies or even overflows can occur.
• It is not possible to record data for a period in which one of the two installations has already been billed - customers see this as a limitation because they "only" want to record a meter reading for the system that has not yet been billed.
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- SAP ERP Central Component
- SAP Enhancement package for SAP ERP
- SAP Enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA
- SAP S/4HANA, on-premise
Einspeisung, Verbrauch, unterschiedliche Anlagen , KBA , IS-U-DM-MR , Meter Readings , IS-U-BI , Contract Billing , How To
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