When creating and testing a connection to S4Hana (using Cloud Connector) from SAP Datasphere, the following error appears:
Data Flows: Cause: ABAP connector(Axino) ABAP connection check FAILED: request failed: rc=1, msg="Message: Opening connection to backend failed: Opening connection to <IP:PORT> denied. Expose the system in your Cloud Connector in case it was a valid request.\nCode: RFC_COMMUNICATION_FAILURE"
please create ticket under the component BC-NEO-CON
Please refer to SAP Note 2849542 for more information. -
Replication Flows: Cause: ABAP connector(Axino) ABAP connection check FAILED: request failed: rc=1, msg="Message: Opening connection to backend failed: Opening connection to <IP:PORT> denied. Expose the system in your Cloud Connector in case it was a valid request.\nCode: RFC_COMMUNICATION_FAILURE"
please create ticket under the component BC-NEO-CON
Please refer to SAP Note 2849542 for more information.
- SAP Datasphere
- SAP Cloud Connector
Data, Sphere, S4, S4Hana, Hana, Cloud, Connector, On, Premise, Virtual, Host, Connection, Fail, Failed, Error, help, Port, IP , KBA , DS-DI-DF , Data Flows , Problem
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