You are facing an issue on your ECC or S/4 system in the IBP tables (/IBP/*_EXT), Add-on (IBPIECC / IBPIFND) or during SDI Integration Job.
You are looking for correction Notes and or KBAs.
This KBA provide a short list with the main related notes e KBAs.
Note: This KBAs was created to make easy to find the main notes/KBAs, however, not all notes and KBAs are listed here, this does not exclude the research in SAP Repositories (refer to SEE ALSO).
- SAP Supply Chain Management (SCM)
- SAP Integrated Business Planning (SCM-IBP)
SDI, IBP, SDIINTEG, SDICONFIG, notes, Add-on, IBPIFND110, IBPIECC110. , KBA , SCM-IBP-INT-ECC-OB , Order-Based Integration with ERP Add-on and S/4HANA Add-on , SCM-IBP-INT-SDI , SDI-Based Integration , Problem
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