You have defined a subitem increment number of 10 on the master data, but when you have an order created with several items, you see an increment of 1 instead of 10. For example:
You have an order with items 10, 20 and 30. You do an ATP check on item 10 and it will have substitutions and a subitem will be created, so you expect item 20 to be created as subitem, but item 11 is created instead.
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- SAP Supply Chain Management (SCM)
- Advanced Planning and Optimization (APO)
- SAP Supply Chain Management Global Available to Promise (SCM-APO-ATP)
- SAP Supply Chain Management Global Available to Promise Rules Based ATP (SCM-APO-ATP-RBA)
Subitem, substitution, number, numbering, main item, RBA, item number, subitem number, sub-item, sub-item number , KBA , SCM-APO-ATP-RBA , Rules-Based Available-To-Promise (ATP) , SD-SLS-SO , Sales Orders , SCM-APO-ATP , Global Available-to-Promise , Problem
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