You are using SAP Forecasting and Replenishment. You are running Forecasting and Replenishment Processor (FRP) either using Dispatcher or running report /FRE/FRP_MID_BASIC. During FRP run sequence 4 is stuck in Running status. There is no dump in st22.
When you run FRP inbound test report /FRE/FU_TOOLS_FRP_TEST_INBOUND for the affected location with option Input RWB, you get error message "BW client not specified" (Message no. BRAIN_DEV078).
BW, BW client, RSADMINA, RSADMINA-BWMANDT, error, BRAIN_DEV078, error BRAIN_DEV078, FRP run Running status, FRP run, Running status, sequence 4, , KBA , SCM-FRE-FRP , FRP Functions , Problem
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