You are using Forecasting and Replenishment. You want to use the enhancement functionality of Public Holiday Distribution. You want to specify different distribution parameters for each public holiday on location or/and on location product level, therefore you want to implement SAP Note 3066771 - Percentage based distribution of Public Holidays
In this SAP Note it is mentioned that you have to preform some manual post-implementation maintenance steps in the customizing on exception message /FRE/EMON_HL1 201 and /FRE/EMON_HL1 202 as follows:
- Customizing F&R Exception Management
- Start Tx SPRO
- Go to Forecasting and Replenishment -> Exception Management -> Maintain Configuration Data for High Level Exceptions
- In screen 'Config. Data for High Level Exceptions' scroll down to exception
- Application Area: /FRE/EMON_HL1
- Message Number: 201
- In screen 'Config. Data for High Level Exceptions' scroll down to exception
- Mark the above-mentioned line
- Double-click in the navigation tree 'Assignment of Business Area to F&R Exceptions'
- Press 'New Entries'
- Add the following Business Areas
- 7 = Forecast
- 8 = Replenishment
- Add the following Business Areas
- Save your changes
- Repeat the same for F&R High Level exception 202
You realize that these exception messages do not exist in your system.
Exceptions, Public Holiday Distribution, Public Holiday Distribution exceptions, /FRE/EMON_HL1 201, /FRE/EMON_HL1 202, exception customizing, Invalid Percent.Distrib.for Pub.Hold for date, Invalid PercentDisrib. for Pub.Holid. for date , KBA , SCM-FRE-EXC , Exception Handling , SCM-FRE-FRP , FRP Functions , How To
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