SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3462480 - MS SQL connection Remote Table feature in Datasphere fails with "Adapter validation failed"


Remote Table error is raised during validation of Microsoft SQL Server connection created in SAP Datasphere

Connection "Connection_name" couldn’t be established.

- Remote tables can’t be used because of errors in the connection.
Remote Tables: Unable to connect remote source: Adapter validation failed. [XXX_XXX.XXX]Failed to establish JDBC connection. Error: This driver is not configured for integrated authentication. ClientConnectionId:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, Code: 5921, SQL State: HY000

Correlation ID: xxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxx


SAP Datasphere

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Connections.
  2. Select the Microsoft SQL Server connection.
  3. Choose validate.


Adapter's version is not supported.


  • Make sure to use a jdbc jar file listed in our PAM document, for example: mssql-jdbc-9.2.0.jre8.jar.
  • Only one mssql jar file have to be listed under the lib folder.
  •  The mssql-jdbc_auth-xxxx.dll (xxxx to be replaced with the used version) is copied to the C:\usr\sap\dataprovagent\sapjvm\bin directory. It can be found in the install zip in \sqljdbc_xxxx\enu\auth\x64 directory.

See Also


mssql, jdbc, connection, Datasphere, driver, mssqllogreadadapter, adapter, SDI , KBA , DS-DI-CON , Connections , Problem


SAP Datasphere all versions