Some issues might happen in Mass Change fiori app:
- Issue 1: Job is not generated at all:
- In Fiori page, it shows message 'Job submission failed'
- In SAPGUI of backend system, check SM37, there is no job generated at all
- In F12, console tab, following JavaScript error appears:
Request failed with status code 400: POST SlsDocReq?sap-client=
[{"code":"CX_APJ_RT","message":"An exception was raised","persistent":true,"targets":["/SlsDocReq"],"type":"Error"},{"code":"CX_SD_MCC_SDOC_MASS_CHANGE","message":"An exception was raised","persistent":true,"targets":["/SlsDocReq"],"type":"Error"},{"code":"/IWBEP/CX_MGW_BUSI_EXCEPTION","message":"An exception was raised","persistent":true,"targets":["/SlsDocReq"],"type":"Error"}] sap.ui.model.odata.ODataMessageParser
- Issue 2: Job gets scheduled and finished without error, but data is not changed
- In standard, Mass change Fiori APPs use RFC call FM SD_MCC_SDOC_MASS_PROCESS to update data. Normally, in ST12 trace, we should be able to see an Rfc entry(see the entry marked as 2 in following screenshot). Inside 'ABAP trace' of this entry, we will be able to see calls to FM SD_MCC_SDOC_MASS_PROCESS. But when issue happens, this entry doesn't exist in ST12 trace.
- From ST12 trace, there is an entry by user SAPSYS(see the entry marked as 1 in following screenshot). In this entry, we cannot see calling to CL_SD_MCC_SDOC_MASS_CHANGE=>ORCHESTRATE_PARALLEL_TASKS and RFC SD_MCC_SDOC_MASS_PROCESS, instead, this appears:
*Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.
- Sales and Distribution (SD)
F5210, Monitor Mass Changes of Sales Documents, F5091, Mass Change of Sales Documents, Create Change Jobs for Sales Documents, F5211, Mass Change of Sales Orders, , KBA , SD-SLS-MCC , Mass Changes of Sales Documents , How To
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