Supplier invoice cannot be posted due to exception: "The balance is not equal zero: XXX EUR. The total gross amount differs from the sum of the subtotal and the total tax amounts".
If click on Calculate Total Amount, the exception would be obsolete but the subtotal would be incorrect.
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Supplier Invoicing work center.
- Go to Invoices and Credit Memos view.
- Find the issued supplier invoice and open it.
- Navigate to Exceptions tab. There is an open exception about the balance difference.
- Click on Actions -> Calculate Total Amount on header level.
- The exception goes obsolete. But new subtotal proposed by system is not expected.
There are cost distributions that are assigned 0% for each line item.
- Open the issued supplier invoice.
- Navigate to Items tab. Select each line item and navigate to Cost Distributions subtab.
- Remove the records that are assigned 0%.
- Save the change and click on Actions->Calculate Total Amount.
- The subtotal would be corrected and the invoice can be posted.
Supplier Invoice; Subtotal; Balance; Cost Distribution , KBA , SRD-SRM-SI , Supplier Invoicing , AP-SIP , Supplier Invoice Processing , Problem
SAP Business ByDesign all versions