SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3463643 - (ONB) Onboarding Cancelled email triggered for active onbordee, email is not visible in Email Services - Onboarding


Admins received an email for the cancellation of onboarding (trigger: (ONB) Onboarding Cancelled Trigger) however these emails are not visible in Admin Center > Email Services.
The onboarding process is still open and onbordee visible in the onboarding dashboard.


SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Admin received email with trigger "(ONB) Onboarding Cancelled".
  2. Admin checks Admin Center > Onboarding Dashboard for the candidate mentioned in the email.
  3. Onbordee profile is still visible and the onboarding process is still open.
  4. Admin checks Admin Center > Email Services.
  5. The email received is not there.


  • The archival job triggered the onboarding cancellation, however the cancellation job failed.
  • Onboarding process close job updates multiple onboarding processes in batch.
  • When process cancellation fails for any of the processes in the batch, the whole transaction is stopped. Cancellation emails are sent asynchronously, for this reason emails are still getting received.

  • The emails that we see in Admin Center > Email Services, are dependent on the MDF object: Email Message.
  • However, since the batch transaction was reverted, the objects created as part of this transaction (in this case: the email messages objects) are also reverted and not saved into the DB. 
  • For this reason these email messages are not visible in Admin Center > Email Services.


To stop receiving these emails, kindly make sure that Onboarding is cancelled successfully for the affected onbordees.

You can try to cancel onboarding manually via,

  1. Onboarding Dashboard.
  2. Affected candidate > Actions.
  3. Cancel Onboarding.


Email not visible, (ONB) Onboarding Cancelled trigger, multiple cancelled onboarding emails , KBA , LOD-SF-OBX-EML , Notifications , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding