In SAPGUI 7.40, there are the following Legacy components during SAPGUI installation.
MS Word Link via RFC
Report Writer: MS Excel link
But in SAPGUI 8.00, above components don't exist.
User wonders if the components "MS Word Link via RFC" and "Report Writer: MS Excel link" are still being used in SAPGUI 8.00?
If yes, what's the corresponding components in SAPGUI 8.00?
SAPGUI for Windows 7.50 or higher release
SAP GUI for Windows; SAPGUI; SAP GUI; MS Word Link via RFC; Report Writer: MS Excel link; DOI; component; Legacy components; 740. , KBA , BC-FES-GUI , SAP GUI for Windows , BC-FES-INS , Frontend Installation , BC-FES-OFFI , SAP Desktop Office Integration , Problem
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