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3464175 - Stuck tRFCs with "Transaction recorded" status and "Quota for rdisp/rfc_max_queue used up" on SARFC


There are tRFCs in SM58 transaction stuck with status "Transaction recorded".

In SMQS, it is perceived the following scenario:

  • Scheduler in WAITING status but all destinations (including the tRFC one) are INACTIVE
  • menu Goto -> QRFC Resources shows that some or all instance(s) RFC resources are "Not OK"
  • transaction SARFC shows message "Quota for rdisp/rfc_max_queue used up" for the affected instance(s) above



SAP_BASIS all versions.

SAP Kernel all versions.


ABAP platform all versions ; SAP NetWeaver all versions


trfc, scheduler, outbound, destination, failed, failing, stuck, ready, delay, processing, resource , KBA , BC-MID-RFC-QT , Queued RFC (qRFC) and transactional RFC (tRFC) , BC-CST-DP , Dispatcher, Task Handler , Problem

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