You want to know how to maintain the sales activities for an opportunity by using web service API.
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
You have prepared the request XML as following and executed it, but system returned error "Processing of data for node BTD_REFERENCE of BO OPPORTUNITY not possible". So you are not able to create sales activities.
body message:
<Opportunity actionCode="02" activitySuccssrBusTransacDocRefListCompleteTransmissionIndicator="false">
<ActivitySuccessorBusinessTransactionDocumentReference actionCode="01">
<BusinessTransactionDocumentReferenceActualValues actionCode="01">
- ABC represents the ID of the opportunity.
- Z01 represents the sales cycle phase code.
- Z02 represents the sales phase step code.
As per the API help document: Inbound Service ManageOpportunityIn -> section: Business Transaction Document References
With the Business Transaction Document Reference, the opportunity can be linked to other business documents like an activitiy or a campaign. To create or update a business transaction document reference, the ID (or UUID), TypeCode of the related business document as well as the RoleCode of the business document within the relationship shall be provided.
In the sample request XML above, the activity ID, type code are missing.
Additionally, for BTD reference modification via web service, it is always expected that the complete list transmission indicator should be passed as true.
Please adapt the request XML according to the help document.
Sample XML as reference.
<Opportunity actionCode="02" activitySuccssrBusTransacDocRefListCompleteTransmissionIndicator="true">
<ActivitySuccessorBusinessTransactionDocumentReference actionCode="01">
<BusinessTransactionDocumentReferenceActualValues actionCode="01">
See Also
help center document: Inbound Service ManageOpportunityIn
"Processing of data for node BTD_REFERENCE of BO OPPORTUNITY not possible"; ManageOpportunityIn; sales activities; opportunity API; web service. , KBA , SRD-CRM-OPP , Opportunities , How To