The following error occurs while checking 'missing tables and indexes' of the views in DB02:
"/B28/* Mandatory Basis object is missing in DB"
Some system objects which for technical reasons cannot be defined at all
or which cannot be defined completely in the ABAP Dictionary are marked
as exceptions in table DBDIFF.
If an exception which is not adhered to in your system is entered in
table DBDIFF, the object is displayed with a corresponding short text.
The following exceptions can be displayed:
1. Objects which must reside in the database, although they are not
defined in the ABAP Dictionary.
2. Objects (particularly primary indexes) which are defined in the ABAP
Dictionary, but which nevertheless should not be created in the
3. Some objects are only created in certain database systems in both
the ABAP Dictionary and the database. The objects are displayed
depending on the database system if they are missing in the database
and/or in the ABAP Dictionary.
Read also the corresponding Note in OSS. You can find this Note with
keyword DB02 and your Release level.
SAP BW/4HANA 2.0 all versions
deleted ADSO , views , DB02 , /B28/ , Mandatory Basis object is missing in DB , DBDIFF , RSOADSO. , KBA , BW-WHM-DBA-ODSV , Open ODS View , BC-DWB-DIC , ABAP Dictionary and ABAP CDS , BW4-DM-ADSO , DataStore Object (Advanced) , Problem
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