The following (or similar) trace entries are observed on the ICM trace file (dev_icm):
[Thr ...] *** ERROR => SSL handshake with [server:port] failed: SSSLRC_EWOULDBLOCK (-71)
[Thr ...] (no error) non-blocking network read/write did not complete within caller-specified time limit
This can happen when the ICM is connecting to a remote HTTPS server, or when the LDAP connector (ICM LDAP plug-in) is being used.
The issue can also happen when the SAP Web Dispatcher is trying to connect to one of its backend systems using HTTPS.
- SAP NetWeaver ABAP based product
- ABAP Platform based product
- SAP Web Dispatcher
SSL handshake, SSSLRC_EWOULDBLOCK, LDAP , KBA , BC-CST-IC , Internet Communication Manager , BC-MID-RFC , RFC , BC-CST , Client/Server Technology , BC-SEC-SSL , Secure Sockets Layer Protocol , Problem
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