Missing Set of Books Description when accessing the system with another language rather than English (for example French, German, Italian).
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Log in with a language other than English.
- Go to the General Ledger work center.
- Go to Sets of Books and Assigned Companies subview.
- Unable to see the Set of Books Description.
When we check the master data of the Set of Books activity in the backend, we can see that the Master Language for this activity is set as "EN" (English), this is ByDesign standard. So, if the user has the description in English logon, this means that when the mentioned Set of Book Description was created, it was done with English as the logon language.
If we check the Set of Books activity in another language, we can see that the Set of Books Description was not maintained. The system can't translate automatically the description.
Expected system behavior.
Maintain the Set of Books Description manually for another language. Please follow the steps below for the same:
- Log in with a language other than English.
- Go to Business Configuration work center.
- Go to Overview view.
- Search for activity: "Set of Books" and open it.
- We can see that "Set of Books Description" is missing.
- Select the desired Set of Book ID and click "Edit" button.
- Now, maintain the "Set of Books Description" with the desired translation or description.
Set of Books Description, translation, English, other language. , KBA , SRD-FIN-ANA , Analytics Content , How To