SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3464699 - Delegated Approvers are not getting emails when quote is submitted for Approval


After configuring Delegation of Approval, if a quote is submitted for approval, delegated approver is not receiving any email notification.



Reproducing the Issue

  1. In Setup go to Workflow/Approvals -> Approval Rule
  2. On Delegation of Approval table, set to true the Approve Parent
  3. In Setup -> Users -> Users, configure the Approve Parent of the Approver of the approval process
    1. In this case, Approve Parent is the person which will be able to approve the quotes in the place of the Approver originally chosen in the Approval Process
  4. Submit a Quote for the Approver
  5. Only the approver receives an email notification.


Expected Behavior


  • Delegated Approver (In this case Approving Parent) will not receive email notifications when approval is sent
  • Approving Parent will only be able to see the Quotes that requires his approval in CPQ UI, under Awaiting for Approval -> Quotes that my team needs to approve.

See Also

Approval Rule


Approval Parent, Delegation of Approval, Approving Process, Approval, Workflow, CPQ , KBA , CEC-SAL-CPQ , Sales Cloud CPQ , Bug Filed


SAP CPQ 2023