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3464712 - Analysis for Office is not properly starting and its ribbon disappears as soon as Excel opens


When Analysis for Office is triggered from Operational System, despite Excel is opening, AO ribbon is not presented among the ribbons.
It can be added manually through path File -> Options -> Add-ins -> selecting COM Add-ins under "manage" options -> Go, but after closing Excel the ribbon is disappearing in the next opening and the manual steps must be taken again, in order to use Analysis for Office.

No visible error messages are coming up and just a few information might be presented in the traces.



  • SAP Analysis for Microsoft Office
  • SAP Analysis for Microsoft Office, edition for SAP Analytics Cloud


SAP Analysis for Microsoft Office all versions ; SAP Analysis for Microsoft Office, edition for SAP Analytics Cloud all versions


Analysis Office, starting, launching, missing, ribbon, office, repair, package, not registered, add-in, COM Add-ins, disabled items, EnableImprovedAddInCompatibility, crash , KBA , BI-RA-AO-XLA , Excel Addin , Problem

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