After creating the folder(assume as A) with an existing space name(A) in a different space(assume as B), the following error occurs when accessing the existing space, A in Data Builder:
Could not fetch the space details. Please try to change search terms or reload your browser. If the problem still persists, please open an incident with SAP. Technical details of this error may be found in the browser console.
SAP Datasphere
Due to the bug, the server tries to supply the objects under folder A that are in the space A.
Obviously, there isn't any as this folder is in a different space B, but the server tries to give back the objects that are in space A, not in the folder A.
- Fix is planned to be available via the next SAP Data Warehouse Cloud wave.
Please see SAP Note 2984828 regarding the planned availability of the fix. - Workaround until the fix is available in your system:
Rename the folder A so that this name will be unique in the set of space and folder names.
See Also
2984828 - SAP Datasphere Release & Delivery Schedule
Could not fetch the space details, datasphere, folder, Data Builder , KBA , DS-MD-ESH , Repository Explorer , Problem