SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3465029 - Paste filter values in not available in view mode for the main dimension in SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) story.


In the view mode while opening the input control, it does not show the 'Paste Filter Value' option for the main dimension.


SAP Analytics Cloud Version: 2024.2.21

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Login into the SAC.
  2. Go to the story
  3. Create a table
  4. Add an input control
  5. Select main dimension
  6. Then open the more button

Notice that the Paste Filter Values option is missing. 


Limitation in SAC.


The paste filter values feature is only available to flat member filters, but not the hierarchical filters. The reason of this limitation is that the hierarchy members can have identical descriptions, and it's complicated if carrying full path.  

See Also


paste filter values, SAC, model, dimension, model, story , KBA , LOD-ANA-DES , Story Design & Visualizations , Problem


SAP Analytics Cloud 1.0