You want to structure your marketing data and activities using the authorization concept Marketing Area. That way users with a Marketing Area can only access Segments, Target groups and Campaigns with that same Marketing Area.
- SAP Marketing Cloud
- Required: You must set up the marketing areas you require.
You set up marketing areas in the Manage Your Solution app in the Configure Your Solution phase under General Settings Marketing Areas. For more information, see Marketing Areas.
- Required: You must assign the required roles and restrictions to your users. For more information, see Edit Restrictions in SAP Marketing Cloud.
- Optional: If you want to use marketing areas for campaign execution, you must activate the usage of marketing areas. To do so, open the Manage Your Solution app, and choose Configure Your Solution Application Area: Marketing Sub Application Area: Marketing Item Name: General Settings. Under Configuration Steps search for Activate Marketing Area for Campaign Execution. For more information, see Implications of Activating Marketing Areas in Campaign Execution.
See Also
KBA , CEC-MKT-BF , Basic Functions , CEC-MKT-CPG , Campaign , CEC-MKT-SEG , Segmentation , CEC-MKT-TG , Target Group , How To
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