- Custom error displays correctly on web for the custom MDF workflow approval, but does not on mobile.
- Even if there is a custom error message created for a custom MDF workflow approval, on mobile still the default message will be shown: "Failed to process your response. Please try again later."
SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite
Metadata framework (MDF)
- SAP SuccessFactors Mobile
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to "My pending requests" on web
- Find the request for a custom MDF workflow
- Try to approve and get the custom error that was configured for this workflow
- Login to mobile
- Go to To-Do
- Find the request for a custom MDF workflow
- Try to approve and get the error "Failed to process your response. Please try again later"
It is by design that the mobile UI will show the general error message when an error occurs after clicking any action (approve/decline/send back/...) on the workflow, since no matter what's the custom error, approvers cannot update requests in the mobile application.
See Also
successfactors, mobile, MDF, custom MDF, rule, business rule, custom rule, error message, error, workflow, approve, metadata framework , KBA , LOD-SF-PLT-MOB , Mobile Issues , LOD-SF-MDF , Metadata Framework , Product Enhancement
SAP SuccessFactors HXM Core 2311