A comma within a name shifted the part of Preferred name to the Last Name column in the output file. For example, if the name of a user is A B, D E where the Preferred Name is A B, D and the Last Name is E. However, the output of the integration job has Preferred Name as A B and Last Name as D. Due to this all his data shifted to next column (towards right) in the output file.
SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite
* Integration Center
The Output file type is Simple Delimited which uses delimited formatting that uses different characters to separate data values such as commas, tabs, and colons. As the Preferred name (A B, D) of the employee contains comma (,) the A B and D got delimited to two different columns.
The Output file type Simple Delimited uses delimited formatting that uses different characters to separate data values such as commas, tabs, and colons. As the Preferred name (A B, D) of the employee contains comma (,) the A B and D got delimited to two different columns. To resolve the problem, use True CSV Output file type that accommodate special characters such as carriage returns, new lines, double quotes, commas.
Simple Delimited, True CSV, Integration Center, delimit, special characters, carriage returns, new lines, double quotes, commas, tabs, colons , KBA , LOD-SF-INT-INC , Integration Center , LOD-SF-INT-INC-FWK , Integration Center UI Framework , Problem