You had a set of exchange rates for foreign currencies set. You then defined a new set, putting the validity to a date way in the past, hoping this would update all opportunities in your system and make your reports show updated currency values. However, this is not working.
SAP Cloud for Customer
When you change the exchange rates afterwards, the system does not automatically adjust the opportunity values for reporting.
For the updated exchange rates to become effective, a change of the expected value of the opportunity is necessary. Only a change of the expected value triggers the system to recalculate the expected value in reporting currency. Any other change like e.g. changing the opportunity name is not sufficient.
Another detail to be mentioned here is the date of the exchange rate: the system uses the creation date of the opportunity as the date of the exchange rate for the currency conversion.
Exchange, Rate, Rates, Foreign, Currency, Currencies, Opportunities, Opportunity, Not, Updating, refresh, work, wrong, misleading, incorrect , KBA , LOD-CRM-OPP , Opportunity Management , AP-RC-CER , Currency Conversion & Exchange Rates , Problem