SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3467007 - "Category" is Read-only in Appointment Quick View


When opening the Appointment quick view, it is possible to notice that the Category field is Read-only. 


SAP Cloud for Customer

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Activities Workcenter.
  2. Go to Appointments view.
  3. Click any Appointment.
  4. Quick view will open. 
  5. You will see that the Category field is not editable. 


Technically speaking, after reviewing the category field's path(/BYD_COD/SalesOnDemand/Activities/Appointment/UI/COD_Appointment_QT.QT .Uicomponent) in the (UI) and examining the XML script, it has been confirmed that the field is configured as read-only with the property "ReadOnly = true." 

This indicates that the field has been intentionally restricted from being edited or modified, likely to ensure data accuracy and consistency within the system. By setting the field as read-only, users are prevented from making changes to this specific field. 


This is the current expected behavior of SAP Cloud for Customer.

If the feature/functionality is required urgently, please refer to KBA 3475641 - Functionality Currently not Available.


Quick view ; Read only ; Category ; field ; grayed out  , KBA , LOD-CRM-ACT , Activities , How To


SAP Cloud for Customer core applications 2405