SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3467461 - Import schedule job from BW run failed intermittently with an error "Member needs to be of the same selector instance" in SAC


  • Import schedule job from BW data source run failed intermittently with the following error: 

An internal server error occurred in the SAP Analytics Cloud agent: Member needs to be of the same selector instance!


  • SAP Analytics Cloud 2024.2.18
  • SAP Analytics Cloud agent

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Logon SAC tenant
  2. Access the model Data Management 
  3. Check one job from the Import Jobs list.
  4. In the import history, there are some record with "0 succeeded, 1 failed, 1 did not refresh"
  5. Expand the result and see the error: An internal server error occurred in the SAP Analytics Cloud agent: Member needs to be of the same selector instance! 


This issue has been fixed in SAC agent version 1.0.419.

A fix on SAC will be released on 2024.25 to improve resilience of the SAC agent. 


This issue has been fixed in SAC agent version 1.0.419.

A fix on SAC will be released on 2024.25 to improve resilience of the SAC agent. 

See Also

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SAP Analytics Cloud 1.0