After performing a restore from a backup image taken from another system, you notice in the datavolume path that their exists a datavolume file that does not belong to any of the existing HANA services.
You can sucessfully complete backups with no error about an "orphan" datavolume and their is no entry for the datavolume in question in the topology or listed in select * from m_volumes.
If you ARE having mention of orphan data volume, this is a different topic and is covered in
2679277 - HANA backup fails with error on orphaned volume in Multitenant Database
1900682 - How to handle HANA Alert 34: Unavailable Volumes
SAP HANA Platform Edition
KBA , HAN-DB-BAC , SAP HANA Backup & Recovery , HAN-DB-PER , SAP HANA Database Persistence , Problem
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