- While doing promotion (live to live or through biar) , below error is observed :
Resolution Status=Not Applicable, Dependency Status=Not Applicable, Commit Status=Commit attempted and failed., Promotion Status=Failure : com.businessobjects.sdk.biar.BIARException$SDKException: CE SDK Exception occurred : 'Database access error. Reason [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The incoming request has too many parameters. The server supports a maximum of 2100 parameters. Reduce the number of parameters and resend the request.. ' (FWM 04002)
- SAP Business Object Business Intelligence 4.X
- Supported all operating system
- CMS DB : SQL Server
limitation , sql server , promotion , cmc , FWM 04002, database ,Microsoft , 2100 , request , server , KBA , BI-BIP-LCM , Lifecycle Management Console - Promotion mgmt, Version mgmt , Problem
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