SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3468477 - An error occurred while fetching invoice summary details : Logon failed


When you attempt to extract the data, the following error message shows up: Logon failed.


  • SAP Service Cloud Version 2

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Case
  2. Search for and open a case of the type Invoice Inquiry or Payment Advice.
  3. Navigate to the Finance ab.
  4. In the action button, click on View Extraction Results.

Notice the following error : 'An 'error occurred while fetching invoice summary details : Logon failed.'


The S/4 is invoked to retrieve document data and populate the quick view interface. The call to S4 goes through the data connection service, cloud integration on BTP, and then S/4. If the error message says "login failed," it indicates that one of these connections experienced an authentication issue.


In order to fix this error, you should check if the S4 credentials are correct. One thing is to ensure that the user's  used in the communication arrangement, for example, is not blocked or is still valid.

Communication Systems configuration

  1. Navigate to the user menu.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Click All Settings.
  4. Click on Communication Systems.
  5. Select the communication system and in actions, click the Edit button.
  6. In the inbound or outbound session, check for the user maintained and verify the Validity Start Date and Validity End Date.
  7. If the validity is correct, then take a note of the user maintained and follow the next steps to check if the password is not locked.

User and Control

  1. Navigate to the user menu.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Click All Settings.
  4. Click on Users.
  5. Filter by technical users.
  6. Search and opened the user maintained in the communication system.
  7. Check if the password of the user is not locked.


Logon failed, Finance, invoice summary, Payment Advice, Invoice Inquiry. , KBA , CEC-CRM-DOCX , Document Extraction for Sales/Service Cloud , Problem


SAP Sales Cloud and SAP Service Cloud Version 2 1.0