This article aims to advise Customers about the significant benefits of selecting the right channel to report issues or seek support within the SAP Commerce Cloud Product Area. Identifying an issue within a Commerce Product is the first step, but it's crucial that such problems are addressed through the correct channels. Adapting to this method:
- Streamlines the problem-solving process.
- Ensures that the right engineers tackle the problem.
- Leads to quicker response times.
- Provides more precise resolutions.
- Enhances overall satisfaction with the service provided.
The following graphics provides a simple overview of how to reach Commerce Cloud Support and Operations. All the details will be covered in the next section.
SAP Commerce Cloud
case, commerce cloud, submit, product function, sap for me, service request, services and support, support, ticket, scaling , KBA , CEC-SCC-CLA-ENV-EMG , Environment Management , How To
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