In the class /SCMTMS/CL_MM_TM_INTEGRATION, the method EXECUTE_TM_UPDATE is called. Within this method, the BAdI /SCMTMS/BADI_LI_BTD_CHG method ADAPT_LI_INPUT_MM does not have CT_POEXT as a changing parameter, although the main class has IT_POEXT. This prevents user development from making any changes to the TM control key when there is a requirement to stop the TM Integration on a case-by-case basis.
SAP Transportation Management embedded in SAP S/4HANA 2021 and subsequent releases
TM_CTRL_KEY, TMS_C_PUR, TMS_C_SHP, TMS_C_SLS , KBA , TM-INT-LI-MM , Integration with Materials Management , MM-PUR-INT-TM , Integration TM , TM-INT-LI , Logistics Integration - General , Problem
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